Count up numbers with GSAP

Count up numbers with GSAP

GSAP is well known for animating CSS properties in a performant way, but there is a trick to animate numbers (and other stuff, but let’s focus on numbers for now).

A very common use case is animating numbers from 0 to X, like a counter.

So a let’s say we want to showcase that we have worked on 200+ projects. Quite an achievement, right? 🎉

Write the number in the HTML, then make sure to add a span around the number 200 and give it a class/id/attribute.

We will then target that selector to animate it.

It will look something like this:

// get a reference to the elements we want to animate
const element = document.querySelector('.your-class')
gsap.from(element, {
textContent: 0, // start from 0
duration: 2, // animate in 2 seconds
snap: { textContent: 1 }, // increment by 1

Boom! You have a counter that animates from 0 to 200 in 2 seconds.

If you want to use decimals, you can change the snap value to 0.1, 0.01, etc.

You can even control the easing (check their easing visualizer for more info).

Format numbers

We can also format the numbers to have commas at the thousands, like 1,000, 10,000, etc.

We’ll use the onUpdate callback to format the numbers every time they change.

gsap.from(element, {
textContent: 0,
duration: 2,
snap: { textContent: 1 },
onUpdate: function () {
// on every increment, format the number
element.textContent = parseInt(element.textContent).toLocaleString()

That’s nice already, right? 🎉

But as always, let’s take it a step further.

Animate numbers when they are in view

Let’s say we have a section with 3 numbers that we want to animate.

We just need to add a few more lines of code:

const triggerSection = document.querySelector('#section')
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.your-class')
gsap.from(elements, {
textContent: 0, // start from 0
duration: 2,
snap: { textContent: 1 }, // increment by 1
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: triggerSection, // trigger section
start: 'top center', // "start when the top of the element reaches the top of the screen"

(Note that you need to add the ScrollTrigger plugin for this to work)

And that’s it! You have a section with 3 numbers that will animate from 0 to their respective values in 2 seconds when the section is in view.

You can check out the demo I made in Webflow to see it in action.